Free Jumbo Remembrance Bookmarks!

Hi, Remembrance fans! I hope you’re all having a great summer 🙂
I’ve been working on writing the draft for Timeless, and am currently about 40,000 words into the story. There is international travel in the story, and while I’ve been writing, I’ve been thinking about how lucky I am to have fans of the book from all over the world. Every time a fan tweets at me, writes on my Facebook wall, or sends me an email, it makes me so happy and grateful that you all are reading and enjoying the book. I’ve been amazed at how far the book has reached — from America, to England, to the Philippines, Columbia, Japan, and even Romania, just to name a few!
So I wanted to do something to thank you and let you know how much your support of my writing means to me.
I will be giving away jumbo Remembrance bookmarks to the first 100 people to sign up on the form below! And this giveaway is 100% international! Plus, every bookmark will be personalized directly to you.

Thank you again, and I hope you’ll enjoy your jumbo Remembrance bookmarks!

Michelle Madow <3

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12 Comments on “Free Jumbo Remembrance Bookmarks!

  1. Wow! Yay! You're awesome to think of us! Thank you so much. And thank you even more for making this international. I am truly gateful and excited 🙂 more power to you!

    God bless!

    Sincerely, April @Books4Juliet

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