In My Mailbox 12.18.11

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, so we can share the books we got this week!
This week I got:
Received an ARC from HarperCollins
I am SO EXCITED to read this book! I’m a huge fan of the Evernight series. I’m an even bigger fan of Balthazar, so I’m happy that he gets a book of his own (and hopefully a girl, too! ๐Ÿ˜‰
Purchased on my Kindle
I’ve been seeing this all over Amazon, and since it’s $0.99, decided to buy it. I think the characters in it enter the “Dream Realms,” which sounds really cool!
Purchased on my Kindle
After I finished Waterfall, and loved it, I had to find out what happened next in the series!
Purchased on my Kindle
Since I loved Waterfall, I’m assuming I’m going to love Cascade, so I bought Torrent because I know I’m going to need to know how this series ends.

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