In My Mailbox 8.7.11
Hi, everyone! Here are the books I got this past week:
by Myra McEntire
Purchased on my Kindle
I’m currently reading this book (am 50% through it) and am loving it so far! It’s got time-travel and sci-fi elements that are explained in a way that makes it totally understandable. I can’t wait to see what happens in the rest of this book!
by Amanda Hocking
Purchased on my Kindle
I finished this last week and positively loved it! Fans of The Forest of Hands and Teeth should definitely pick up Hollowland. With constant action, it’s a fantastic zombie book, and I highly recommend it. Plus, at only 99 cents, it’s a great deal!
by Anna Carey
Received an e-ARC from NetGalley
After reading a description of Eve on Goodreads, I knew this was a book I wanted to read! I finished it last week, and while it was a little slower paced than I’d hoped, I still recommend it if you’re a fan of YA dystopians.
Tempest in the Tea Leaves (A Fortune Teller Mystery)
by Kari Lee Townsend
Purchased on my Kindle
Kari is an agent-mate of mine, and when the first book in her Fortune Teller Mystery series came out last week, I bought it immediately. I just started this book, and it’s cute and fun, and I definitely recommend it!
That’s all for the books I got last week! Hope you’re having a great August so far <3
Man, I still haven't read Hourglass! I really want to though. Glad to hear you're enjoying it – maybe that will motivate me more, hah!
Here's what I got in my mailbox this week 🙂
I havent read Hourglass either but heard things about it. Hope you enjoy it.
Eve and Hourglass sound amazing. I hope you enjoy! 😀
Eve sounds great! I got it this week also and can't wait to find time to read it. =)
Hope you enjoy HOURGLASS! I really liked it 🙂
Here's what's in my mailbox this week!
Awesome IMM. I am so excited to read Eve, I have a digital ARC of it from Netgalley and I've heard tons of great things about Hourglass.
New follower, by the way! 🙂
Suz @ A Soul Unsung
My In My Mailbox!
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I am really looking forward to Eve. Nice little pile of books!
Here is my IMM:
Happy Reading 😀