Timeless Blog Tour Sign Up

Hi, bloggers! Since Timeless is coming out on November 20, 2012, I am hosting a BLOG TOUR in celebration from December 1 – 25, 2012. A lot of bloggers have emailed me asking how to get involved in the tour, and here is how!
All you have to do is fill out the form below. If you are selected to be a part of the blog tour, I will email you on October 1, 2012. Since the tour is only 25 days, I can unfortunately only select 25 of you to be in the tour. But don’t worry, because even if you’re not in the tour, I would still love to do a post on your blog — it will just have to be at a later date 🙂
***I have had over 80 people sign up, so I am no longer taking sign-ups. Sorry!***

If you haven’t requested an e-ARC of Timeless yet, please go to THIS BLOG POST and sign up.

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