Why I do both Traditional and Self Publishing
Hi, everyone! Since announcing the cover and blurb for Elementals, I’ve had some people ask why I’m self-publishing the series after The Secret Diamond Sisters series was traditionally published. The reason for this is simple—as an author in 2015, I LOVE the hybrid publishing model!
“Hybrid” means that my books are a mix of both traditionally and self published. There are so many pros and cons to both models of publishing, and I love being able to have the best of both worlds. Here’s a small list of my favorite pros of each 🙂
Pros of Traditional Publishing
- Getting to have your books on the shelves of traditional bookstores
- Working with a top level editor who helps you make your book the best it can be, and who teaches you in the process
- A monetary advance on the book, so you know you’ll receive that amount as a minimum
- Potential to get reviewed in top trade publications
Pros of Self Publishing
- Significantly higher royalty rates
- Ability to decide on and control the prices of your books
- Full control over marketing and publicity
- No deadlines—you can publish at the pace that’s most comfortable to you
- Less waiting time, so books can release faster
- You are the boss—you don’t need to worry about going through hoops to get permission to do anything
So, those are my basic reasons for being a hybrid author! I love the opportunities that come along with both options. But mainly—I love the control that self publishing gives me. I self published The Transcend Time Saga, and I’ve been so pumped about getting back into self publishing since I made this decision last summer. Being in control of the whole process is just so much FUN!
The best part? Because I’m publishing Elementals myself, I’ll be able to get the books out to you FASTER than I would if they were being traditionally published. The first book in the series comes out on January 26, 2016, the second one comes out in April 2016, and I plan on having the third book release in 2016 as well!
Also, my agent currently has another book of mine out on submission to publishing houses. So cross your fingers for me there, too 🙂
Get ready for a fun ride, and I hope you love Elementals!
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