90,000 Words!
Last night I reached 90,000 words on my work in progress!
I normally try to write 1,000 words a day, but I have to admit that due to school, this can be difficult at times. Actually, this past semester I’ve taken to getting writing done in class — which probably isn’t a good thing, but I feel very productive afterwards. (Don’t follow my example. Really. I just have major senioritis.) Last night there was a huge thunderstorm outside, and I went into my office (that’s actually a boat-turned-office that the guy who owns the house got from Disney!) and wrote 2,800 words in one sitting. I was really proud of myself, and hopefully once I graduate I’ll be able to continue on this pace since I won’t have to worry about homework, papers, and tests!
The most exciting part about this is that I’m currently mid-way through the final scene of the book. Wow! I can’t believe that I’m nearly done my second novel. I also feel lucky that I realized my passion for writing this early in my life so I’ve been able to get ahead of the game before I graduate from college. A word of advice = if you’re in school and know you want to be a writer — go for it! It’s the best time to start, because you don’t have to worry about paying rent or all of that other adult stuff. Also, once you graduate, it’s likely that people will take you more seriously as a writer if you’ve already finished a few novels. It may sound daunting, but remember that if it’s something you truly want to do, I guarantee you’ll be able to find time to get in a thousand or so words every day. Writing takes dedication, but with dedication comes improvement, and with improvement comes success. The only way you’ll succeed is by working hard and finishing what you start!
Hopefully by my next blog I’ll have completed the first draft of my work in progress, and then comes the next stage — editing!
Congratulations, Michelle, not only on writing more than your goal, but on HAVING a goal. 2,800 words is great. Sadly, I don't set goals, I'm just not a goal setter, but I'm a freight train when I get started on something, so I rely on sheer determination and obsession to get things done.
A boat from Disney? Wow.
Haha yeah — I go to school in Orlando, and apparently the guy we rent our house from knows someone who works at Disney 🙂
I'm one of those people who if I tell my friends/family that I'm going to get something done by a certain time feels the need to accomplish it. So not only do I set goals, but I tell people about them! Goals aren't “real” until other people know (at least in my world!)
The cool thing about talking with other writers is learning about everyone's different processes, since there are so many out there!
I've been sort of following your progress as a writer on myspace, first of all. But I have a question for you: what's your major? I want to be a writer (fiction, thank you! ^_^), and I've heard a lot about how getting a degree in English, Creative Writing, or Journalism really isn't worth it. Do you have any experience that I could draw from?
I'm an English major, but I would be a Creative Writing major if my school offered it. My advice is to major in what you love! So if you love creative writing, you should definitely major in it. There's no such thing as learning too much, and you'll gain a lot of knowledge from your classes! 🙂
Congrats, Michelle, on nearly finishing your second novel. 90K words is great. Fingers crossed Christine will have great news for you soon.
I set goals, then don't keep them. I am so undisciplined.